Monthly Archives: November 2014

Richard Flook talks to Peter Donn about his new Higher Psycho-Kinesiology HPK

Whilst in the UK at the AMT conference, Richard took some time to speak to Peter Donn about his new work Higher Psycho-Kinesiology. Richard has known Peter since 2006. Richard taught Peter meta medicine at that time.

Posted in Articles, Videos, VIDEOS

Richard Interviews Sharon King about Matrix Birth Reimprinting

Richard Flook talks to Sharon King, the creator of Matrix Birth Re-imprinting. Many of us do not realise how important our birth process is to the development of our beliefs and perceptions of the world. The time we spend in

Posted in Articles, Videos, VIDEOS

Meeting Karin Davidson in Toronto

At the end of October I went to the ACEP Conference in Toronto and met up with the amazing Karin Davidson, my friend and also one of the best EFTers and Matrix Reimprinter trainers in the USA I always

Posted in Articles, VIDEOS, Videos