Richard Interviews Sharon King about Matrix Birth Reimprinting

Richard Flook talks to Sharon King, the creator of Matrix Birth Re-imprinting. Many of us do not realise how important our birth process is to the development of our beliefs and perceptions of the world. The time we spend in the womb sharing our mothers experiences and emotions, the birth process itself and the first six years of life all go to make up the person we are today.Modern day intervention to the natural birthing process can leave you feeling you don’t belong, having a feeling of separation from the world, abandonment or isolation issues and feelings of not being good enough or unlovable?
Richard's own belief is that we can learn a tremendous amount from understanding what has happened in the womb and birth and Sharon has a wealth of incredible information to share about this fascinating area.

Find out amore about the incredible work of Sharon King's work here

Richard Flook is an expert on stress and disease with a focus in Alternative and Integrative Health with an extensive background in Integrative Health Coaching, Energy Therapies, EFT, NLP, Timeline Therapy, and Hypnotherapy. His extensive work within these fields includes training 1000's of top blue chip company/corporation executives, medical and alternative practititoners. He is also a highly sought after speaker and health coach. His 20+ years of research and advancements in these fields lead him to discovering the strategies he calls "Advanced Clearing Energetics"(ACE). These strategies help uncover the root stress of an illness and assist the client to clear out the energy behind those stressors and rapidly increase the healing process. ACE can be used with any medical or alternative modality. His Revised book, "Why Am I Sick - What's really wrong and how you can solve it using Advanced Clearing Energetics" was released through Hay House Publishing in July 2013 and he is currently working on his 3rd book.

Posted in Articles, VIDEOS, Videos
One comment on “Richard Interviews Sharon King about Matrix Birth Reimprinting
  1. josephmaher says:

    I suffer with bi polar disorder.Can Richards treatment help.


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