Two Phases of a Disease

Have you ever wondered why a person gets a disease? It does seem very strange that a person can happily be going through their life and suddenly feel struck down by a cold, eczema, a bout of diarrhea or a cancer. Personally I have never understood why these weird ailments would arrive out of thin air. The explanation that we have caught a bug or virus does not seem to add up. Many people throughout the world live in places riddled with viruses, bacteria and fungi but they survive.

There are viruses and bacteria flying around everywhere. It is said a grown adult has 4-6lbs (2-3Kg) of bacteria in the gut, recently I have seen proof that viruses and bacteria are produced in the blood (See Dark Field Microscopy). Why do these supposed microbes, that can strike us down out of the blue, not affect us all of the time? Is there something else happening? Could there be a process to a disease? In medicine they know there are two types of diseases, the sympathetic COLD disease and the parasympathetic WARM diseases. Could there be a link to theses diseases? Could one follow the other?

Written below is the process we believe that a person goes through when they have a disease. We believe in Meta-Medicine that all diseases are caused by a significant emotional event followed by ongoing stress (COLD phase) which, if resolved, the body goes into resolution (WARM phase).What also seems apparent is that all the symptoms that people go through can be explained by this diseases process. Listed below are each on of the 9 points a disease process goes through.

(1) Health, normality normal day activity and night relaxation. - We feel fine, we are healthy, as you can see from the diagram there is a green line that goes through a day night rhythm. We awaken during the day and sleep at night. If you also notice in this diagram that the dotted line goes down. Let us imagine that we have been very busy at work, and we have been pushing ourselves, sleeping less and working hard; eating fast foods, drinking a lot of coffee and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and not exercising. Our vitality and reserves can become depleted. NB we can still be totally healthy for a conflict shock to affect us but usually these event occur when our vitality or life force energy is reduced.

(2) Biological conflict shock - Significant Negative Emotional Experiences. - We then experience a Significant Emotional Experience (SEE) or a Biological Conflict shock which catches us completely off guard. This is the Unexpected Dramatic, Isolating shock where we have No strategy for dealing with the issue. UDIN. During this time everything that goes on is recorded, what we see hear, feel, taste, smell and certain words are logged and stored. One of theses sense has the most energy attached to it, usually this is either the tone of a person voice or the look a person gives or something else visual such as seeing a piece of jewelery. A sharp focused ring appears in the brain at a specific location that corresponds to the organ that is able to deal with the issue most effectively. This ring has all the trapped energy that corresponds to the shock which also sends a wave through the whole body affecting our mind, body, spirit, social and environment interactions.

(3) Conflict phase - cold, sympathetic, conflict active. - We go into the first phase, here we experience what we would commonly call stress, our hands and feet are cold, we eat little, what we do eat is usually fast food and acidic foods: we can find ourselves eating sweets and drinking alcohol excessively during this time because we are trying to get away from how stressed we feel. We skip meals, our blood pressure increases, we may have nervous and cold perspiration. Obsessive thinking takes over our whole lives. If this stressful phase carries on for any length of time we loose weight. The blood is directed from the digestive tract to the muscles and vital organs.

We have a high output of glucose and an increased secretion of adrenaline making faster reactions possible. Plus we sleep erratically and for short periods of time. Insomnia is common. The organ that is affected changes itself by necrosis (cell degradation) as in widening of a tube such as a blood vessel or bronchial tube allowing more fluid/air to travel down it. Or the body builds more cells as in more intestine is produced to digest the issue or more glands cells to produced milk to nurture a child back to health.

Depending on the type of organ and its arrangement in our body there will be a growth of fungi, bacteria or a virus that will go unnoticed because it is in the body. The fungal growth occurs around the organ that is affected. This is dormant and in relation to the size of the cell growth. With bacteria for every cell grown there is an equal cell of bacteria grown in the blood. That is if you are exposed or have the bacteria in your system. Viruses are produced in the brain during this time in a measured amount in accordance with the cell growth. Sometimes we do not have the fungi, bacteria or virus in our system, if that is the case the body will either find the fungi, bacteria or virus from outside in the environment or it will just not be produced.

Sometimes parasites collect in the body, these seem to be excellent at removing the heavy metals such as mercury in our system. The size of the parasite is also determined by the body, in the stress phase the parasite is multiplying, getting ready for the next phase. Antibiotics destroy the natural balance of the body and fungi, bacteria, viruses (microbes). It is thought that parasites do the clean up work that could have be done by many of these microbes.

Typical symptoms of the first phase might be constipation, some loss of strength in certain muscles, excessive energy, being able to breath to the bottom of your lungs effortlessly, with little or no mucous, flaking of the skin, increase in our nasal senses. Sensitivity to touch as in breast glands. Thickening of the lower layer of the skin (dermis).

(4) Conflict resolution or reversal (unconscious or conscious process). - Then we resolve the conflict, either we are consciously aware of this happening or completely unconscious of the resolution. Good examples of consciously being aware would be when we leave a very stressful relationship for good or an argument gets completely resolved. Unconscious examples would be whilst we sleep a resolution happens; you wake up with a cold having gone to bed feeling fine. Or something triggers off an association which unconsciously reminds you of a person; this happens with eczema. The resolution of the conflict happens in the same sense that triggered it but it is opposite to the trigger, therefore a different tone that resolves the issue or a opposite picture e.g. the person looks at you with a genuine smile instead of the angry grimace that was in the original shock. At this point the symptoms start to appear and we will start to experience a feeling of the regeneration phase. An example would be when you feel like the weight of the world has lifted off your shoulders.

(5) Part A regeneration phase warm, parasympathetic, rest and recuperation. - Part A of the regeneration phase starts just after the conflict resolution and then the symptoms start to get worse. You feel the relief immediately in the conflict resolution but depending on the background stress, the main symptoms may not appear until later on that day. E.g. you may have been in a meeting that you resolve something major, you get the first symptoms such as a runny nose, you feel tired so you stress yourself a little and drink some coffee. You have to go for a meal that night, the symptoms get even more intense, you take a cold remedy which probably contains caffeine and stresses your body a little more to stave off the symptoms. Eventually you get the cold.

During this time the organ that was under stress in the first phase goes into regeneration. If there had been a cell reduction as in the widening of a blood vessel, to allow more blood to flow, then this needs to be repaired. The cells that were taken away in the stress phase are replaced, in blood vessels this results in swelling and a restriction of the blood flow. In muscles the muscle is rebuilt and grows. This is carried out by the body working in homeostasis with the fungi, bacteria or viruses that were produced in the stressful phase.

In organs where there was an increase in cells such as in the bowel or the breast glands, the extra cells are no longer required so they are eaten away by bacteria. If the bacteria is not in the system then the issue becomes encapsulated, a thin film of skin forms around the tumor where it lies dormant.

Extra water is used to support this process hence swelling is normal where the organ needs to be repaired. This is why we feel pain during this time. The body directs all the blood towards the digestive organs, we have warm hands and feet. There is low blood pressure and usually a fever. We perspire and feel hot. We feel tired and fatigued our digestive organs get more blood, our appetite comes back but not in the same way as Part B Point (7).

(6) Healing Crisis - short sympathetic, conflict active state, biological test. - The healing crisis is one of the most important points in the disease process, So much so I have dedicated a whole chapter to this; this is where most people really think the issue is either reversing or getting significantly worse. The healing crisis is a biological test and it serves another purpose, that of squeezing out the water that was used in the first Part A of the regeneration phase. It is a challenging time because the symptoms are so acute and in some instances can be fatal – as in a heart attack. Some of the typical symptoms are feeling antsy having had no energy, mild headache up to a migraine, muscle cramps, muscle twitching, epileptic fits, coughing fits, sneezing fits, intense itching, excessive urination is also a common factor during this time. People usually notice the have to visit the toilet (bathroom) a lot and the amount of water that is passed is significantly greater than they have been drinking during the day. The healing crisis happens at exactly halfway between the start of the regeneration phase (4) and the end of the process (8).

(7) Part B regeneration phase warm, rebuilding of energy reserves. - Part B - After the healing crisis we go into more of the regeneration phase, during this time we will still feel unwell but the main pain has disappeared. The infections we have had will have subsided but we are not back to normal yet. We eat more during this period and it is common to feel ravenously hungry. People tend to put on weight as we build up reserves. The main healing is basically done, now the repair is completing there is rebuilding or degradation of the organ affected based on how the organ reacted in the first stressful phase. E.g. If there was cell growth as in an intestinal issue, then the excess intestine will be passed out during this stage. If there was a cell degradation as in a cold the bronchi cell wall is rebuilt, we feel a lack f breath and we spit out the excessive mucous that was required to repair the cell wall.

A good example of this excessive skin growth happens when we cut ourselves. A scab appears which is excessive to the repair which is happening underneath. This is the same for the bronchi mucosa and this is what we notice as we blow our nose or cough up. You will see it as yellow, brown or slightly bloody phlegm.

(8) End of the disease process. - We complete the process of healing as we come out of the process, we start to feel better our energy comes back. This can take time depending on the length of the second phase. The deeper the second phase the longer this process will take. During this time there will be may be some remnants of the healing process. e.g. a scab may take a few more days after we feel better to fall off. There may still be some old phlegm stuck in the bronchi which we eventually cough or end up blowing out through our nose. Our intestine stops being so sensitive to certain foods. Specific organ swelling decreases and returns to normality. Any pain subsides and eventually stops.

(9) Normality, healthy return to normal day activity and night relaxation. - Return to normality and health, we feel normal and all remnants of the two phases and symptoms have disappeared. Except we may have a scare or a cyst that is doing nothing. Generally we feel good inside and normal bodily functions are resumed. The area that was affected usually has no excessive extra biological material around it. There may be some scaring (which tends to be stronger but less durable than the original tissue). Sometimes the repair leaves an excessive amount of skin, bone or material that can be removed, as in a tumor that has been encapsulated, or a there is more cell reduction such as in a dimple with acne scarring. At this time we end up feeling good and normal day night rhythm is resumed.

Richard Flook is an expert on stress and disease with a focus in Alternative and Integrative Health with an extensive background in Integrative Health Coaching, Energy Therapies, EFT, NLP, Timeline Therapy, and Hypnotherapy. His extensive work within these fields includes training 1000's of top blue chip company/corporation executives, medical and alternative practititoners. He is also a highly sought after speaker and health coach. His 20+ years of research and advancements in these fields lead him to discovering the strategies he calls "Advanced Clearing Energetics"(ACE). These strategies help uncover the root stress of an illness and assist the client to clear out the energy behind those stressors and rapidly increase the healing process. ACE can be used with any medical or alternative modality. His Revised book, "Why Am I Sick - What's really wrong and how you can solve it using Advanced Clearing Energetics" was released through Hay House Publishing in July 2013 and he is currently working on his 3rd book.

Posted in Articles, Health, Health Issues, META Medicine, Mind-Body