Blog Archives

3rd International – Energy Medicine Exchange

Posted in Energy Medicine, Events, Google Hangout Event, Webinar

How do medicines affect energy-based therapies?

A webinar on Tuesday 11th December 2012 at 7:30pm GMT Join Megan to find out whether medicines affect energy based therapies and if they do, how they affect these therapies, such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, energy medicine, acupuncture, reiki and

Posted in Events, Health, Medicines, META Medicine, Webinar

FREE WEBINAR SERIES : Visionaries (Wed each week)

Tess and Bess are presenting a NEW and truly INTERNATIONAL event with speakers from 3 continents – USA, Canada, Australia and UK. It is a unique line up of trailblazing experts sharing their knowledge and insights so you will learn

Posted in Events, Health, Health Issues, META Healing Process, META Medicine, Mind-Body, Nutrition, Teleseminar, Webinar

Freedom for True Healing (Deb Thompson)

Free TeleSeminar Have you asked one of these questions I hear most about energy healing: * Does it work on tough physical conditions or chronic pain? * Will it help me to really look and feel better? * Can it

Posted in Events, Webinar