A webinar on Tuesday 11th December 2012 at 7:30pm GMT
Join Megan to find out whether medicines affect energy based therapies and if they do, how they affect these therapies, such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, energy medicine, acupuncture, reiki and many many more.
Can our client's medicines affect what we do as practitioners? Can the medicines tell us anything about our clients?
Megan believes that medicines do impact on energy based therapies and will share with you during this 45-50 minute webinar her knowledge and experience as a Pharmacist and energy therapist specialising in health issues in this ground breaking area of integrative health.
To book your place, go to UKMAS and you will receive an email about 24 hours before the event telling you how to access the webinar from the comfort of your own computer! As well as the live interactive event you will receive a copy of the webinar to download and keep.
Interested but unable to make this date? If you sign up then a recording of the session will be available to you shortly after the event has finished.
Book now at UKMAS
Hosted by Megan Smith, Clinical Pharmacist, META medicine Health Coach and Trainer and EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner who founded UKMAS.