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Fiona Truman interview with Richard Flook

Fiona Truman interviews Richard Flook, the originator of Advanced Clearing Energetics about this incredible way to clear the trapped energy that is now known to cause disease.    

Posted in ACE, Answering Your Questions, UDIN, VIDEOS

What is ACE Really?

Hundreds of emails fly across our inboxes on a daily basis. Since Advanced Clearing Energetics (ACE) is a relatively new development, we get many questions about it that we thought we’d address those in an article. I have the absolutely

Posted in ACE, Advanced Clearing Energetics, Answering Your Questions, Live Training Courses, Training

Environment vs. UDIN

Question “Evolutionary medicine essentially posits that the majority of illness and suffering occurs as a result of a mismatch between the environment an organism was evolved to live in and the environment they currently live in. “Put an organism back

Posted in ACE, Answering Your Questions