Blog Archives

Are you celebrating with us?

Left to Right: Karen Hilts (ACE Business Manager), Richard Flook (Founder) We’re celebrating our 1 year Anniversary of the release of Advanced Clearing EnergeticsĀ®! It’s been a whole year since we first launched the ACE website and introduced the incredible

Posted in ACE, Courses, Live Training Courses

What is ACE Really?

Hundreds of emails fly across our inboxes on a daily basis. Since Advanced Clearing Energetics (ACE) is a relatively new development, we get many questions about it that we thought we’d address those in an article. I have the absolutely

Posted in ACE, Advanced Clearing Energetics, Answering Your Questions, Live Training Courses, Training

The Simple Secrets to Reading Peoples Minds

Just suppose you could read a persons mind, to know what they are thinking and to use that information to better understand them and to get more of what you need and want. The secret is not a trick, it

Posted in Courses, Hypnotherapy, Live Training Courses, NLP

Int. Speaker Cindy Kubica talks Matrix Reimprinting and META-Medicine

International speaker Cindy Kubica talks about her experience at a Matrix Reimprinting and META- Medicine workshop. Cindy experienced a profound shift in her life as well as learned about what causes disease and how to clear the underlying issues. The

Posted in EFT, Events, Live Training Courses, META Healing Process, META Medicine, Student Testimonials Tagged with: