Blog Archives

David Kamnitzer: “Robin Williams, Suicide and Us”

Robin Williams …. Suicide … and Us …. The Holy Spirit, given our PERMISSION, can use ANYTHING for HIS Purposes … which are really One with our True Purpose (which is to BE the Love that we are). Robin’s death,

Posted in Articles, David Kamnitzer

Are Genetically Modified Foods Making You Sick?

There is a huge silent war going on. And it’s nothing to do with religion, oil or water but food. It’s being fought inside you, in your belly and it’s because that food is Genetically Modified. Many of us are

Posted in Articles, Books, Featured, Genetically modified

ACE & Matrix Reimprinting Demo For Bipolar

Richard Flook and Karl Dawson use Advanced Clearing Energetics and Matrix Reimprinting to clear out the triggers that are the cause of Cathy’s Bipolar disorder. During this demonstration Richard proves that bipolar is a process that can be unraveled.  Watch

Posted in Articles

Testimonial: Monika Burton

Posted in Client Testimonials, Student Testimonials

Testimonial: Beth Baker

Posted in Client Testimonials, Student Testimonials